MONDAY, Aug 20, 2018
Overview Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Registration Location: KC 204 |
Workshops | Tutorials | Industry Day |
9:00-17:30 WS01 - ESPRE 2018 |
9:00-12:30 T04 |
9:00-17:30 WS03 - RESACS'18 |
9:00-12:30 T06 |
9:00-17:30 WS06 - D4RE'18 |
14:00-17:30 T02 |
9:00-17:30 WS09 - MoDRE'18 |
9:00-17:30 WS11 - RE4SUSY'18 |
9:00-17:30 WS12 - EmpirRE'18 |
WS01 - ESPRE 2018 - Monday, Aug 20, 2018
- Room: KC 308 |
5th International Workshop on Evolving Security & Privacy Requirements Engineering | ||
Time | Session | |
9:00-9:30 | Workshop Opening |
9:30-10:30 | Keynote: |
Dark Matter in Adaptive Security and Privacy Requirements Yijun Yu |
10:30-11:00 | Network Break ![]() |
11:00-12:30 | People and Systems |
Towards the Design of Usable Privacy by Design Methodologies Argyri Pattakou, Aikaterini-Georgia Mavroeidi, Christos Kalloniatis, Vasiliki Diamantopoulou and Stefanos Gritzalis (University of the Aegean, Greece) |
The Importance of Empathy for Analyzing Privacy Requirements Meira Levy (Shenkar - Engineering. Design. Art, Israel) and Irit Hadar (University of Haifa, Israel) |
Assessing System of Systems Security Risk and Requirements with OASoSIS Duncan Ki-Aries, Shamal Faily, Huseyin Dogan (Bournemouth University, UK) and Christopher Williams (Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, UK) |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch Break (Lunch at Vistas Dining Room will be provided up to 13:30) | |
14:00-15:30 | Privacy by Design and Lightning Talks |
Tool-supporting Data Protection Impact Assessments with CAIRIS Joshua Coles, Shamal Faily and Duncan Ki-Aries (Bournemouth University, UK) |
Privacy Consistency Analyzer for Android Applications Sayan Maitra, Bohyun Suh and Sepideh Ghanavati (Texas Tech University, USA) |
Lightning Talks Use case ontology for eliciting security requirements The role of organizational climate in security and privacy requirements engineering Security as a Behaviour: Potential for Persuasive Technology The role of usability in security and privacy in Information Systems within the GDPR era The CAIRIS web API |
15:30-16:00 | Network Break ![]() |
16:00-17:00 | Keynote: |
Modeling Security and Privacy Requirements to Enable Test Automation Lionel Briand |
17:00-17:30 | Wrap-up and Workshop Close |
WS03 - RESACS'18 - Monday, Aug 20, 2018
- Room: KC 301 |
Time | Session | |
9:00-9:15 | Welcome and Introduction |
9:15-10:30 | Keynote: |
Engineering Adaptive Cyber Physical Systems Hausi Müller |
10:30-11:00 | Network Break ![]() |
11:00-12:30 | Session 1: |
Deriving Functional Safety Requirements using Undesired Combination State Templates. Non-Functional Requirements Trade-Off in Self-Adaptive Systems. A Requirements-based Approach for the Evaluation of Emulated IoT Systems. Guest Paper from the 1st Intl. Workshop on Requirements for the Internet of Things, edited by A. Massey and S. Ghanavati |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch Break (Lunch at Vistas Dining Room will be provided up to 13:30) | |
14:00-15:30 | Session 2: |
Reqvision: Digitizing Your Analog Notes into Readable and Editable Data. Requirements for a Flexible and Generic API Enabling Mobile Crowdsensing mHealth Applications. AirborneCPS: A Simulator for Functional Dependencies in Cyber Physical Systems – A Traffic Collision Avoidance System Implementation. |
15:30-16:00 | Network Break ![]() |
16:00-17:00 | Session 3: |
A Knowledge Acquisition Approach for Off-Nominal Behaviors. Towards Context- Aware Process Guidance in Cyber Physical Systems with Augmented Reality. K. Kammerer, R. Pryss, K. Sommer, and M. Reichert |
17:00-17:30 | Extra Discussions & Workshop Closing |
Workshop Organizers |
WS06 - D4RE'18 - Monday, Aug 20, 2018 - Room: KC 203 | ||
1st International Workshop on Learning from other Disciplines for Requirements Engineering |
Time | Session | |
9:00-10:30 | Workshop Opening |
The first opening session is intended to give an introduction to the workshop participants and to provide the participants with the chance to introduce themselves and share their expectations for the workshop. Furthermore, an opening talk entitled “Ideas Made of Steal” will be given by one of the organizers (Marcus Trapp). In this talk, lots of illustrative real-world examples will be presented in an entertaining way, showing that successful and innovative ideas and products of famous artists, scientists, etc. have actually been “stolen” but adapted by others. The overall key message of the talk is to encourage people to look at others’ work, steal existing ideas BUT add something new to these “stolen ideas”. |
10:30-11:00 | Network Break ![]() |
11:00-12:30 | Presentations: |
11:00 – 11:05 Multidisciplinary Requirements Engineering for Addressing Social-Oriented Concerns. 11:05 – 11:10 Holistic Requirements for Interdisciplinary Development Processes. 11:10 – 11:15 What Requirements Engineering can Learn from Process Mining. 11:15 – 11:20 Automating Requirements Traceability: Two Decades of Learning from KDD. 11:20 – 11:25 On the use of Financial Valuation Techniques in Requirements Engineering. 11:25 – 11:30 Software Professionals are No Directors: What Constitutes a Good Video? 11:30 – 11:35 About Auteuring Requirements- Lessons from Filmmaking. 11:35 – 11:40 Improving Requirements Elicitation through Listening Research. 11:40 – 11:45 Freud, Kierkegaard, and Gamification in RE. 11:45 – 12:30 Introduction to breakout session (by organizers) |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch Break (Lunch at Vistas Dining Room will be provided up to 13:30) | |
14:00-15:30 | Breakout: |
The goal of the breakout session is to collaboratively work on selected ideas (based on prioritization by the workshop participants) and elaborate the synergies with RE-related activities in more detail. To achieve this, we consider dividing the participants into working groups of 4-6 people. Each group will be provided with suitable techniques and material to collaboratively discuss and document findings related to a set of leading questions. Afterwards, each group will then present the elaborated group work results and the insights they gained during their discussions to all workshop participants. |
15:30-16:00 | Network Break ![]() |
16:00-17:30 | Breakout continued: & Wrap-up |
The workshop will be closed with a wrap-up session. The goal of this wrap-up session is to agree on a future research agenda, identify collaborations between industry and academia (e.g., communities, networking), and elicit new ideas for future workshops |
WS09 - MoDRE'18 - Monday, Aug 20, 2018 - Room: KC 201 | |||
8th International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Workshop |
Time | Session | ||
9:00-9:10 | Workshop Opening |
9:10-10:10 | State-Based Modeling |
(Paper #1) (9:10-9:40) |
Modelling and Testing Requirements via Executable Abstract State Machines presented by Chen-Wei Wang (30min including Q/A; discussant: Ali Abbassi) |
(Paper #2) (9:40-10:10) |
A Comparison of the Declarative Modelling Languages B, Dash, and TLA+ presented by Ali Abbassi (30min including Q/A; discussant: Chen-Wei Wang) |
10:10-10:30 | Short Paper on Feature-Based Modeling |
Paper #7 | Model Driven Software Reconfiguration by Exploiting Grammar Based Genetic Programming Denisse Muñante, Fitsum Meshesha Kifetew, Jesús Gorroñogoitia, Ronnie Schaniel, Anna Perini, and Angelo Susi presented by Anna Perini (20min including Q/A; discussant: Karan Singh Hundal) |
10:30-11:00 | Network Break ![]() |
11:00-11:30 | Elicitation |
Paper #5 | Model-Based Development with Distributed Cognition presented by Karan Singh Hundal (30min including Q/A; discussant: Anna Perini) |
11:30-12:30 | Keynote: |
The Prevalence of Code Over Models: Turning it Around With Transparency Departamento de Informática at PUC-Rio
12:30-14:00 | Lunch Break (Lunch at Vistas Dining Room will be provided up to 13:30) | ||
14:00-15:30 | Scenario & Goal-Oriented Modeling |
(Paper #3) (14:00-14:30) |
Domain-Specific Software Language for Crisis Management Systems presented by Nadin Bou Khzam (30min including Q/A; discussant: Mounifah Alenazi) |
(Paper #4) (14:30-15:00) |
Using Obstacle Analysis to Support SysML-Based Model Testing for Cyber Physical Systems presented by Mounifah Alenazi (30min including Q/A; discussant: Sepideh Ghanavati) |
(Paper #6) (15:00-15:30) |
The FOL-based Legal-GRL (FLG) Framework: Towards an Automated Goal Modeling Approach for Regulations presented by Sepideh Ghanavati (30min including Q/A; discussant: Nadin Bou Khzam) |
15:30-16:00 | Network Break ![]() |
16:00-17:00 | Short Papers on Goals, Patterns, and Decision Making |
(Paper #8) (16:00-16:20) |
Towards Multi-context Goal Modeling and Analysis with the Help of Intents presented by Krzysztof Wnuk (20min including Q/A; discussant: Bert de Brock) |
(Paper #9) (16:20-16:40) |
Towards pattern-driven requirements engineering: Development patterns for functional requirements presented by Bert de Brock (20min including Q/A; discussant: Nelly Bencomo) |
(Paper #10) (16:40-17:00) |
Interacting Decision-making Agents and their Impacts on Assurances: Taxonomy and Challenges presented by Nelly Bencomo (20min including Q/A; discussant: Krzysztof Wnuk) |
17:00-17:30 | Group Discussion and Wrap-up | ||
Workshop Dinner (time and location will be announced at the workshop) |
WS11 - RE4SUSY'18 - Monday, Aug 20, 2018 - Room: KC 302 | ||
7th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Systems | ||
Time | Session | |
9:00-9:15 | Workshop Opening |
9:15-9:35 | If you Bill it, they will Pay: Energy Consumption in the Cloud will be Irrelevant Until Directly Billed For. |
9:35-9:55 | Towards Tool-support for Sustainability Profiling. |
9:55-10:30 | Working Session and Discussion | Energy Profiling and Behavior Change. |
10:30-11:00 | Network Break ![]() |
11:00-11:20 | Karlskrona Manifesto: Software Requirement Engineering Good Practices. |
11:20-12:30 | Working Session | Application of the Karlskrona Manifesto. |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch Break (Lunch at Vistas Dining Room will be provided up to 13:30) | |
14:00-14:20 | An Exploration of Sustainability Thinking in Research Software Engineering. |
14:20-15:30 | Working Session and Discussion | Sustainability Modeling and Research Software. |
15:30-16:00 | Network Break ![]() |
16:00-16:20 | Public Policy Challenges: An RE Perspective. |
16:20-17:10 | Working Session and Discussion | Policy Challenges and Sustainability. |
17:10-17:30 | Next Steps |
WS12 - EmpiRE'18 - Monday, Aug 20, 2018 - Room: KC 210 | |||
7th Workshop on Empirical Requirements Engineering | |||
Time | Session | ||
9:00-9:05 | Workshop Opening |
9:05-10:00 | Keynote: | Learnings and Laughs from 30 Years of Startups and Entrepreneurship Experience First Design Inc. |
10:00-10:30 | Creativity Techniques for Requirements Elicitation: Comparing Four-Step EPMcreate-Based Processes. |
10:30-11:00 | Network Break ![]() |
11:00-12:30 | An Empirical Evaluation of the Requirements Engineering Tool for Sociotechnical Systems. Loud and Interactive Paper Prototyping in Requirements Elicitation: What is it Good for? Parsing Crowd Requirements: An Experience Report. |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch Break (Lunch at Vistas Dining Room will be provided up to 13:30) | ||
14:00-14:30 | Invited Talk | Reflections on running large-scale empirical studies in international settings: some early lessons learned. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
14:30-15:30 | “Live” Study, in which we invite all participants: Part I |
A Domain Model for Requirements-Driven Insight for Internal Stakeholders: A Proposal for an Exploratory Interactive Study. I. Noorwali, N. Madhavji |
15:30-16:00 | Network Break ![]() |
16:00-16:30 | Live Study Part II |
16:30-17:10 | Break-out Groups | ||
17:10-17:20 | Plenary Session with Ideas from Break-out Groups | ||
17:20-17:30 | Closure |
T04- Half-Day-Tutorial - Aug 20, 2018 - Room: KC 303 |
Time | ||
9:00-9:30 | Tutorial Opening |
9:30-10:30 | This tutorial presents Design Thinking as a promising approach to creatively elicit human-centered requirements for software-intensive systems. Specifically, it contributes to Requirements Engineering practices by structuring the fuzzy process of developing creative and innovative ideas. Addressing academics and practitioners alike, the tutorial provides a 3.5 hour hands-on introduction to Design Thinking and links it with the realm of Requirements Engineering. The tutorial should be seen as a forum for the interchange of experience and learnings from combining both approaches and should raise awareness for the importance of human-centered methods and experimentation in early phases of software engineering. After the tutorial, the participants will have access to all materials, templates, and methods on our website for further usage. |
10:30-11:00 | Network Break ![]() |
11:00-12:30 | Tutorial continued | |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch Break (Lunch at Vistas Dining Room will be provided up to 13:30) |
T06- Half-Day-Tutorial - Aug 20, 2018 - Room: KC 305 |
Agile Requirements Engineering with User Stories |
Time | ||
9:00-9:30 | Tutorial Opening |
9:30-10:30 | 90% of agile practitioners employ user stories for capturing requirements. Of these, 70% follow a simple template when creating user stories: "As a role, I want to action, so that beneefit". User stories' popularity among practitioners and simple yet strict structure make them ideal candidates for automatic reasoning based on natural language processing. In our research, we have found that circa 50% of real-world user stories contain easily preventable errors that sabotage their potential. To alleviate this problem, the presenters of this tutorial have created methods, theories and tools that support creating better user stories. In this tutorial, you will learn: |
10:30-11:00 | Network Break ![]() |
11:00-12:30 | Tutorial continued | |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch Break (Lunch at Vistas Dining Room will be provided up to 13:30) |
T02- Half-Day-Tutorial - Aug 20, 2018 - Room: KC 303 |
Reconciling Requirements and Continuous Integration in an Agile Context |
Time | ||
14:00-14:30 | Tutorial Opening |
14:30-15:30 | This tutorial aims at exploring the boundaries between requirements, specifications, stories, scenarios and tests. Revisiting requirements elicitation and bridging the gap between traditional requirements engineering and modern software development (highly based on continuous integration and tests), this tutorial will demonstrate how to operationalize a fully-fledged tool chain going from user stories to automated acceptance testing using open-source tools. This is applicable to industrial practitioners as we will rely on state of the art tools, and link agile requirements to formal requirement engineering methods. We will first focus on the notion of user stories and epics to express user’s requirements, and how to evaluate such requirements based on “definition of ready” and “definition of done” acceptance criteria. We will then demonstrate how such requirements can be tracked in a project management tool, and linked to source code development. At the source code level, we will demonstrate how the stories and the associated acceptance scenarios can be modeled using the Gherkin language, and linked to classical unit tests to automate their validation. Finally, a continuous integration environment will be deployed using Docker to link together the different tools and offer an automated pipeline for software developers, bridging the gap between requirements and code development. Please Note: Participants are required to have "Docker" installed ( During this tutorial, participants will develop some simple exercises using Java and classical continuous integration tools. We kindly ask potential participants to have a look at the following webpage ( and prepare their computer. In case of need, do not hesitate to contact us ( |
15:30-16:00 | Network Break ![]() |
16:00-17:30 | Tutorial continued |
Industry Day - Room: KC 205
Monday, Aug 20, 2018 - Room: 205 | |||
Time | Session | Speaker | Presentation Title |
9:00-9:30 | Opening and Speed Networking | Chris Carlsson and Prashanth Southekal | ![]() |
9:30-10:30 | Keynote | Travis Stevens Orpyx |
Navigating Requirements Ambiguity and Volatility - One Step at a Time |
10:30-11:00 | Network Break ![]() |
11:00-12:00 | RE Tutorial | Karl Wiegers | Requirements Engineering: Precepts, Practices, and Cosmic Truths |
12:00-13:00 | Catered Lunch and Networking | ||
13:00-13:30 | Industry Presentation | Simon Orrell snowdolphin inc. |
Agility in Requirements in an Increasingly Complex World |
13:30-14:00 | Industry Presentation | Chris Lambert Cortex |
Minimum Viable Product - How to Stack the Requirements Deck in your Favor Summary |
14:00-14:30 | Tool Experience | Elena Gallego The Reuse Company |
Enhancing SE Activities with a Global KM Approach |
14:30-15.00 | Industry Presentation | Rahul Joshi and Mary Fifield Microsoft |
Microsoft’s Datacenter Community Development Initiative: How Does Shared Value Create Shared Benefits? Gathering Requirements for Community and Business Outcomes |
15:00-15:30 | Network Break ![]() |
15:30-15:45 | Survey Results | Xavier Franch | Practitioners' Perception of RE Research Relevance |
15:45-16:15 | Industry Presentation | Geoffrey Cann | Blockchain in Oil and Gas |
16:15-16:45 | Industry Presentation | Barb Peace and Lauren Johnston WestJet |
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words |
16:45-18:00 | RE Tutorial | Falk Uebernickel, Daniel Mendez and Jennifer Hehn |
Design Thinking for Requirements Engineering |
18:00 | Dinner - Room: KC 105 |
Keynote Navigating Requirements Ambiguity and Volatility - One Step at a Time
Presenter: |
At its core, the discipline of Engineering is about the application of math and science to solve a problem. Sounds simple right? What could possibly go wrong? To the initiated, everything. The above simple statement does not reflect the hard truth of engineering, which is that often the problem being solved is an ill defined moving end target, or those problems that seem well defined, or similar to previous situations, have nuance that make them unique onto themselves. So how does the unknown, the ill defined and the nuanced manifest itself? It is the missed deadline, the ballooning budget, the failed product, the defective device, and we see it, read about it, experience it everyday. The problem seems easy to solve, doesn’t it? If we write better requirements that took into account reality, or had better project management, or did more upfront planning, all these issues would go away, or at least the vast majority of them. Well, the one thing we can be sure of that our ignorance is infinite and our knowledge is finite, and because of this we need to accept the fact that what we think is the truth will evolve over the course of a project. Therefore, in order to be successful, it is necessary to learn how to deal with these sources of uncertainty, to be adaptable, to manage risk and validate the assumptions, both implicit and explicit, that underly or affect our requirements. I will explore the holistic approach, which involves both culture and process, adopted by Orpyx on their journey to commercialize a first of its kind medical device. |
RE Tutorial Requirements Engineering: Precepts, Practices, and Cosmic Truths
Presenter: |
Software methodologies and fads come and go, but certain facts about requirements are timeless. Regardless of the development strategy or lifecycle used, successful products must be built on a foundation of well-understood, adequately documented, and clearly communicated requirements. This presentation describes some definitions and several foundational principles—cosmic truths—about requirements engineering. Summaries of some key requirement development and management practices also are presented. The goal is to provide a better appreciation for the central issues and the complexities of establishing a solid base of requirements for each project. |
Industry Presentations 1 Agility in Requirements in an Increasingly Complex World
Presenter: |
In this brief talk we’ll look at the difference between ‘complicated' and ‘complex' and what the implications are for system requirements in a world of ever-increasing complexity We’ll also have a look at some examples of requirements in non-software domains where agility is employed to address complexity. |
Industry Presentations 2 Minimum Viable Product - How to Stack the Requirements Deck in your Favor
Presenter: |
Requirements form the basis for a successful implementation in any project. Often any project is faced with conflicting goals, uncertainty and ongoing change that can put its success at risk. What can we do to mitigate risk? How can we ensure faster time to market while producing an effective solution that satisfies the needs of many stakeholders, often with conflicting requirements? How do we ensure value and return on investment sooner in the project cycle while gaining better buy in from the users of a new system or integration? In this discussion, we'll speak to these and other key aspects which impact every project no matter it's scope. |
Industry Presentations 3 Microsoft’s Datacenter Community Development Initiative: How Does Shared Value Create Shared Benefits? Gathering Requirements for Community and Business Outcomes
Presenters: Rahul Joshi and |
With more than 100 datacenters in small towns and major metropolises, Microsoft’s cloud computing operations span the globe. While the technological innovation promised by cloud computing is already having transformative, positive effects for many people, some communities are concerned about the negative impacts of large datacenter facilities on local natural resources and the relatively few jobs that will be created to offset these costs. As Michael Porter and Mark Kramer posit, healthy societies are necessary for healthy markets, and vice versa. Microsoft has a responsibility to promote to the well-being of communities in which we operate for the mutual benefit of society and the company. But how do we determine what kind of support to provide, and how do we measure the community and business impact? In other words, what kind of requirements should guide our work, and how will we know that we have satisfied them? Our emergent community engagement model draws from Porter and Kramer’s “shared value” framework and research on social cohesion and community leadership. In a panel discussion, we will describe how we developed this model, what we have learned so far, and the possibilities for engaging community stakeholders not only to addresses complex societal issues but to increase their capacity to drive their own solutions and improve our ROI. |
Survey Results Practitioners' Perception of RE Research Relevance
Xavier Franch |
The relevance of Requirements Engineering (RE) research to practitioners is a prerequisite for problem-driven research in the area and key for a long-term dissemination of research results to everyday practice. To better understand how industry practitioners perceive the practical relevance of RE research, we are conducting the RE-Pract project, a collaborative project involving 10 researchers from all over the worlds. We designed and distributed to practitioners a survey asking participants to rate their perceived practical relevance of 418 RE papers, published between 2010 and 2015 at the RE, ICSE, FSE, ESEC/FSE, ESEM and REFSQ conferences. We got 147 answers which we are currently analyzing. The talk will present the first, preliminary results and will show the plan for the next months. |
Tool Experience Enhancing SE Activities with a Global KM Approach
Presenter: Elena Gallego The Reuse Company |
Did you know that having a high understanding of your requirements can save you up to 1.5M€ for a project with about 300 requirements and 50 system interfaces? Requirements documents contain both structured (requirement objects, tables, …) and unstructured information (comments, additional information, …), this complicates the understanding of the specification’s purpose. With MBSE, organizations are trying to overcome the issues from misunderstanding natural language requirements. However, finding the methods and tools to organize information from technical specifications in combination with the models and architectures is a real challenge. Whether we like it or not, we communicate with natural language, and thus we need to improve the engineering capabilities to understand requirements unambiguously, in addition to models or any other piece of information. To do so, a number of industries are now developing frameworks that enhances Requirements Engineering activities with a Global Knowledge Management approach, allowing the PLM and ALM solutions to understand the meaning (semantics) of textual requirements and their related information (i.e. models), and thus reducing the ambiguity and inconsistencies in the documents and promoting a common understanding of the different project assets. |
Industry Presentations 4 Blockchain in Oil and Gas
Presenter: |
Blockchain, also known as distributed ledger technology, is a simple technology construct but with far-reaching impacts, and it is coming quickly to oil and gas. Blockchain combines encryption, distributed computing, decentralized architecture and cloud computing in a novel way to create new business models that do not require trust between counter parties. Blockchain is thus poised to overhaul legacy ways of working in oil and gas that involve assets, ownership, identity, money, contracts and of course, trust. Beyond transformation of business processes (both operational and commercial), blockchain combines with other technologies such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence and automation in more profound ways to create fundamentally different business models. For example, blockchain and artificial intelligence working together on a powered device allows that device to purchase and settle power purchases based not just on load but the price of power. Early use cases of relevance to oil and gas include commodity trading, asset tracking, royalty and venture accounting, but other examples in areas as diverse as shipping, financial transactions, used equipment trading and of course, currency, also underscore the profound possibilities presented by this technology set. |
Industry Presentations 5 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Presenters: WestJet
As WestJet prepares to enter the world stage next year with our Dreamliner 787 planes; a business class of service offering and nothing but opportunity in front of us, we are faced with the next level of growth as a company, therefore our processes must grow as well. As a society we are more restless, our attention spans are shorter, we want information in shorter more concise forms. As business analysts, we must respond to these conditions so we can continue enabling change within the organization. Our projects are more complex, there are multiple inter-dependencies and the stakes are higher between success and failure. We must be certain in what we want to do as an organization, and thus spend time on the things that matter and will make a difference to our guest, our people and our bottom line. On projects, we need to be clear on what we are doing; what are we introducing, changing or removing. As business analyst’s our go to tool is the business requirements document. In this new world, we ask ourselves, is this the best way to start? Are we focusing our efforts on eliciting the right requirements, or are we spending unnecessary time waiting, churning, and reworking? Are we representing the information in the most meaningful way? Let us take this opportunity to revisit the toolsets we use as business analyst’s and determine if we can help to improve the quality of information that drives requirements so that the projects are set up for success, and we spend our effort on doing the right things. |
RE Tutorial Design Thinking for Requirements Engineering
Falk Uebernickel, Daniel Mendez and |
Design Thinking is a human-centered problem solving approach that applies rapid prototyping, iterative development cycles, and interdisciplinary teamwork. By structuring the fuzzy process of developing innovative ideas, Design Thinking is a promising approach to creatively elicit human-centered requirements for software-intensive systems. This tutorial provides a hands-on introduction to Design Thinking based on practical examples to foster lively discussions on the potential and challenges in applying Design Thinking in the participants’ own settings. In particular, real project examples from large, (mostly) European enterprises will showcase practices on how to utilize Design Thinking for Requirements Engineering and to integrate it with agile approaches like Scrum on a day-to-day basis. After the tutorial, the participants will have access to all materials, templates, and methods on our website for further usage. |